Short-Stay in the Netherlands

What is the difference between Short-Stay & Long-Stay?

When renting in the Netherlands, choosing a suitable living arrangement, especially for foreigners, can be difficult. The decision between short-stay and long-term can be quite hard. In this blog we will explore the pro’s but also the cons of short-stay and long-term.

Short-stay pros

  • Flexibility: Short stay is perfect for people who want to study abroad and people who want to travel around. With this option, you get the flexibility to move around and experience different kinds of cultures without problems.
  • Cost-effective: Short-stay rental is more cost-effective since you are not committed to a long-term lease. Living In Holland can help you find accommodation that fits your budget plan.
  • Cultural experience: Short-stay rental allows you to experience the essence of the Netherlands, the constraints of the daily routine. You will be able to discover the Dutch foods like stroopwafels and drop in a relative short period.
  • Minimal commitment: If you are not looking for a big commitment and just want to see how things turnout. Renting in the Netherlands with short stay is the perfect fit for you. You can discover the destination before committing to settling down.

Short-stay cons

  • Limited time: Since you are renting for a maximum of 6 months, you won’t be able to see everything of what the Dutch culture has to offer.
  • Frequent relocation: If you like stability and don’t like moving around all the time. Short stay could become tiring for you.
  • Higher cost: The cost of living is slightly higher if you choose to go for a short-stay rental in Holland.

Long-Term pro’s

  • Connecting with the culture: long term living allows you to fully discover the Dutch culture and develop a connection with it.
  • Costs: In most cases, a long-term rental will offer you a lower per night cost. Which makes this the more economical option of the two.
  • Stability: If you like more stability, then not having to move around can help you find this. It gives you time to settle down.
  • Language: With spending more time in the Netherlands, learning the language will be easier. Which makes it easier to communicate with the locals.

Long-term cons

  • Commitment: Long-term rental will require a lot of commitment, which might not be for everybody.
  • Financial obligation: Breaking a long-term lease might result in financial penalties, so you have to be absolutely sure about your plans.
  • Visa: With staying for more than 6 months comes a lot of application processes and legal responsibilities that need to be handled before going to the Netherlands.

The decision of short stay renting in the Netherlands or long-term is a personal one. And depends on what your mission, and goal is that you want to achieve. Remember that there is no one-size-fits all answer.


If you are still looking for a place to stay, make sure to visit our residences page to find the place which you can proudly call home.
